First Blush

Reflections and sightings from [almost] daily jogging at dawn

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunrise 7:16: Rejoice! A new rector arrives

It was up at first blush for the female Dawn Jogger for a quick trip around Lake Lagunita - and a rare appearance for the DJs at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church's 10:00 am service. The occasion was to welcome the new rector, the Rev. Michael Spillane, whose first Sunday was today. The female DJ was a member of the rector search committee, an assignment that spanned 2006 and a process distinct from other executive searches. She had been one of three committee members who traveled to Boise last fall to inteview the then candidate. Father Mike's message from the pulpit: "Rejoice!" (Demonstrating the luck of his Irish heritage, he received the gift of an easy Gospel passage, Jesus' parable on the return of the prodigal son.) Trinity's tradition is to greet a new rector with a "pounding," the giving of non-perishable gifts to welcome him and his family and equip the rectory, and a table had been set up in the courtyard. It's back at 5:00 for the DJ's "real" service and then a celebratory dinner...


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