First Blush

Reflections and sightings from [almost] daily jogging at dawn

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sunrise 6:28 am: April is National Garden Month (really)

Gardening, or better stated taming the land, is a major pursuit during April and May at Stanford (total acres 8,180 of which 2,300 are on the central campus). It's the gardening and landscape crew that keeps the Dawn Joggers company as they make their way across campus each morning, well before the student population has awakened. They're particularly keen on two of the crew's vehicles. One is the tiniest truck in existence, not much bigger than a golf cart (neither DJ can recall seeing anything smaller, even in Europe or China), artfully arrayed with all the tools of the trade. The other, just starting to emerge this year, is the army of mower vehicles, all of which seem to be driven the the jolliest of men.


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