First Blush

Reflections and sightings from [almost] daily jogging at dawn

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sunrise 6:12: Other dawn companions

When the residents of the Abbaye des Locos rose very early this morning to bid one member "adieu," they all noticed that the cars looked like it had rained mud - a puzzling development as no one heard hard rain overnight and the cars are parked on grass, so splattering is unlikely. But whatever happened, the Dawn Joggers noticed it had brought out every slug in the countryside (they're tiny here, not like California banana slugs) and quite a few very prettily marked snails. They were forced to watch their step on the three plus mile loop walk to Taize (the second of their dawn outings together). The proximity of the snails to their very good local restaurant down the hill, which serves them on the menu, has the female DJ a bit uneasy...


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