Sunrise 6:59: Is it a baa or a bleat?
Granddaughter Grace was very clear about the sound the farm animals she met when she went into the Dawn Joggers' cousins' yard yesterday - baa. She spent much of the rest of the afternoon saying "baa" and walking towards the three sheep and one lamb in the hopes (never fulfilled) that they would stand still for her. She was more stalker than shepherd. The sound of "baa" - or was it a "bleat?" - was the first thing the DJs heard this morning in Potter Valley, where the grass is green but spring hasn't quite come. Neither the vines or the oaks have sprouted leaves (good, according to cousin Robin as the chance of frost still exists). It was a gorgeous, cloudless morning and, accompanied by Drake the Labrador retriever, the female DJ jogged up the center road of the vineyard, stopping near the ridge of oaks where they had scattered her father's ashes yesterday afternoon (and where her mother's ashes were scattered five years ago). She was almost back down when encountered the male DJ and dog Molly on their way out - so back up they went. When they returned to the house, a great farm breakfast was waiting...
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