First Blush

Reflections and sightings from [almost] daily jogging at dawn

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sunrise 6:50: Wow morning on the Dish

Was it really November 15? It was hard for the female Dawn Jogger to believe it could be that late in the year, given the balmy temperatures topped by crystal clear skies. It was at least a three bridge morning - the often "missing" Bay Bridge clearly in view from the top of the Dish. And she could even imagine the Golden Gate - and may have spotted the Twin Peaks towers. Other Dish walkers and joggers were already shedding layers though it was still early morning. Even a squirrel seemed surprised by the warmth and appeared to be taking a sun bath in front of his or her home. Now it's time to put the family room back together and stop living with boxes...



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