First Blush

Reflections and sightings from [almost] daily jogging at dawn

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunrise 5:17: Ok, so they aren't cows

"The cows were clever and everywhere, " overheard the female Dawn Jogger near the Field Museum on the shores of Lake Michigan this morning. "These are just a political statements." Well, nothing will every be as wonderful as those first cows in Chicago, so magically sprinkled throughout the city. But some of these Cools Globes, an art exhibit to promote the threat of global warning, were pretty darn creative. And as someone who was brought up my a man who so loved the out-of-doors, that he preached the conservation (old-fashioned word)of the earth's resources long before it became fashionable, it saddens the female DJ to think about the polarity of the issues today. It was a good long run this morning going south along the lake...


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