First Blush

Reflections and sightings from [almost] daily jogging at dawn

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sunrise: 6:50: Rainy day pride

Steady rain grounded the female Dawn Jogger this morning and found her instead heading to downtown Menlo just after dawn on a grocery run. When musing yesterday on the Communique issued by the primates of the Anglican communion, she had neglected to check on her own Bishop's response, which begins: "The inclusion of gay and lesbian people in the full life of the Church is a matter of justice: as we are all part of the world, and the kindom of God is like a net laid over that same world. All on the earth are connected by this net, whether perceived or not. Actions of justice and injustice reverberate throughout the whole, promoting either integrity, remembering, and shalom, or diabolic isolation." (Full text of The Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus's response.) That's the spirit and theology that has made her proud to be an Episcopalian...



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